Now let’s talk about a hot topic, the “Take me class” shebang. Let me tell you something before thinking that I’m trying to cut corners or pull a fast one over your professor. Not only are we not dismissing the importance of integrity, but also what this says about current education – learn more?
Consider this picture: You are juggling more than you can imagine. As if a caterpillar eating a leaf would eat your study time, you have family issues that need attention. Not to mention trying to maintain social activities so that don’t end up a hermit. Isn’t the idea of having someone else handle one spinning plate appealing?
This is not to say that all of us should begin hiring doubles and stand-ins just like in movie productions. We can see more behind the request if we take a closer look.
On-line classes, as a first step, were to be our shining knight. Flexibility in schedules, the freedom to study at your own pace: it all sounds fantastic on paper. On paper, it sounds great. But in reality, you may feel as if your noble steed is a little less than that. The cyberspace jungle can seem lonely if there is no one to help guide you.
The ethics of cheating is a big issue. Cheating? Big no-no. Since kindergarten, we have learned to keep our eyes out of the coloring pages of others. Students who are feeling overwhelmed and struggling for balance may be the result of the current system.
Discuss solutions rather than pretending that we have the holy-grail under a heap of textbooks. Consider Wall-E instead of Terminator as a possible ally. Imagine learning platforms where you can get exactly what you are looking for and then have it served up to you in manageable chunks.
Would you consider changing how students learn? Instead of boring multiple-choice examinations, you could replace them with projects or portfolios.
In essence, “take me class” is not just idle talk. It is actually a cry of students that are feeling overpowered by a school system that is sometimes stuck in quicksand.
Looking ahead with a sense of hope (and maybe some caffeine-fueled optimism), lets talk about designing learning experiences in which students not only survive, but also thrive.
Maybe we’ll be more tolerant the next time someone says, “Take this class for me.” It’s an opportunity for us to revisit how we educate in these crazy, chaotic times. It’s not like learning is supposed to burn you out.
The conclusion is that (yes I said I would not use fluff) navigating through these turbulent times requires more then just pointing the finger at others or burying our heads in sand. There are also creative and open-minded solutions to the problem, along with a pinch of humor.
If you ever hear someone say “I can pay for someone to finish my online class” please ask yourself: Can I do that? Instead of jumping to our own moral high horses, we might ask the person why they think that. Even if we find what they say uncomfortable, listening is essential to understanding.