Let’s first address the elephant in the room – National Disability Insurance Scheme tricare services. This guy is supposed be your golden ticket to support the city. Sometimes, it feels like there is no marker on the map to show “You are here”. Do not be afraid! Persistence is the key. Ask people questions and knock on their doors.
Melbourne now has many organizations willing to assist, even if they are not government-sponsored. These groups are like your friends that come to the rescue when you most need them. These groups offer everything from help with finding a job to places where you can meet people going through similar situations. Find your tribe. Priceless.
Another buzzword is innovation. Melbourne has a large number of gadget and tech experts who are working on things that make life easier for people with disabilities. Apps that help you find accessible places for a date, or gadgets to improve communication are available. It’s like living in an episode of The Jetsons without Rosie the Robot Maid.
Finding and using cool software and tools can be tricky. Imagine hiding and seeking with someone who is very good at it. It’s the same when you are trying to find the right resources.
Community groups are the secret weapon. Imagine that your local neighbourhood watch is a group of people who are more focused on friendship and support than crime prevention. You’ll have the opportunity to talk with them in person, share stories, receive tips and even gossip.
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are still some stumbling stones, like old-school attitudes about disability. Don’t even get me started on places that think a simple step in an entrance qualifies for “accessible”.
These brilliant minds are constantly coming up with new and innovative ways to solve old problems. Who knows what they’ll do next? Flying chairs? Teleportation devices? A robot buddy? Everyone can dream.
The journey to find disability service is a combination of scavenger hunt and epic adventure (with fewer dragons). It takes humor, grit, and guts.
It’s important to continue looking until you find what you like. There is no single solution that fits everyone. Finding the perfect Avocado can be frustrating, but it is worth it. There will be bumps in the road. What would life be like without some adventure?
Discover what Melbourne has to offer people with disabilities. It could be your most rewarding experience.